I also stopped at the book store, and picked up The Juicing Bible, which is AMAZING!! It not only provides you with amazing juicing recipes, but the beginning of the book lists various "illnesses" {like insomnia, influenza, gout, hangovers, etc} and then directs you to recipes in the book that will help with those conditions.
As I've mentioned, I've been sick lately, so yesterday I made myself the "influenza" juice, and this morning I made a delicious Carrot Apple concoction. They were both delicious!!
I think this afternoon, I'll be making the Apple Pear juice, which surprisingly includes a 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, which will give the juice a nice little kick! My apple pair is below...and it's super yummy! Also, I found yesterday that after drinking my juice, I didn't even get hungry for lunch...I had a snack around 5, and then DELICIOUS pumpkin soup for dinner around 7:45. All in all, yesterday was a vegetable-filled day and it was FABULOUS! xo, Courtney
{Juicing book courtesy of Amazon.com, Juice photo by *me*}